2024-09-25 08:28:11 1 1002 1 0 5 10001 bbbb 1 0 1 COVID-19-V1 0 0 3 1 0 1 GPS-coordinates-with-time 0 9 1.0 0 1 0 2 latitude degree 1 9 1.0 0 1 0 2 longitude degree 2 -126 1.1574074074074074E-8 0 1 0 2 Date-of-first-symptoms yyyy-mm-dd 1 1 1 1 0 2 age 0 -125 1.157407E-8 0 1 0 2 age yyyy-mm 2 1 2 1 0 1 Vaccination 0 0 1.0 0 1 0 2 total-count-of-vaccinations at least 2 months time between counted vaccinations and before start of symptoms 1 0 1.0 5 s0 s1 v1 v2 v3 1 0 2 Kind-of-Vaccination list original contains this for every vaccination, here only last vaccination 3 1 1 1 0 1 Other-Treatment-Parameters 0 0 1.0 3 x0 x1 x2 1 0 2 example1 list 4 1 1 1 0 1 Result 0 0 1.0 0 1 0 2 Total-time-with-symptoms days